Wraparound Care (Morning and After School Club)
Our wraparound care is for children from Reception to Year 6. We offer a morning club, where you can drop children at school from 8:00am. Our after-school club provides childcare until 5:00pm.
From 4th September 2024, details and costs are as follows:
Morning Club
8am onwards drop off - £3 a session
8:30am onwards - £1
After-School Club
Collect by 3:30pm – this will continue to be free, as we understand the challenges of parking nearby.
Collect by 4pm - £2.50
Collect by 4:30pm - £5
Collect by 5pm - £7.50 (£5 each for siblings)
Late collection fee - £5 per 15 minutes to cover staff costs.
Please continue to book sessions via the school office. Payment is made via Eduspot.
In addition to our after-school club, we offer enrichment clubs until 4:20pm.