Filby Primary School

School Uniform


Harrisons Schoolwear

Our uniform supplier is Harrisons Schoolwear:

73 Southtown Road

Great Yarmouth

NR31 0DY

Tel: 01493 662214


Harrison Schoolwear Prices 2024

School Uniform

  • Blue Filby jumper or cardigan
  • Dark grey or navy skirt, pinafore or trousers
  • Plain dark tights or white, black, navy or grey socks
  • Blue Filby fleece to wear outdoors (optional)
  • Sensible black shoes

Reception, Year 1 & 2

  • White polo neck top

Year 3 & 4

  • White long or short sleeved collared
  • shirt or blouse or white polo neck top

Year 5 & 6

  • White long or short sleeved collared shirt or blouse
  • Filby striped tie

Summer months (optional)

  • Light blue or navy checked summer dress with white, black, navy or grey socks
  • Dark grey shorts

PE kit (to be worn to school on PE days with a school jumper or cardigan)

  • Blue Filby T shirt or plain blue T- shirt       
  • Black or Navy shorts, leggings or jogging bottoms
  • Dark grey, navy or white socks
  • Trainers

Children may bring a tracksuit jacket in their bag to wear in outdoor PE lessons.

Additional items (optional)

  • Royal blue school fleece to wear outdoors (available from Harrisons Schoolwear)
  • Sun hat
  • Hair ties (for long hair in PE)

We ask that long hair is tied back to keep children safe. Children may wear a pair of stud earrings and a watch - no other jewellery is permitted. 

Second Hand Uniform - Jenny’s Village Charity Shop (Opposite Filby Post Office)

Mrs Jenny Thompson sells second hand uniform (amongst other things) at her charity shop opposite Filby Post Office.

The shop is open every Saturday and Sunday between 10am and 4pm. If, however, you would like to look at the uniform on a weekday, Mrs Thompson is happy for you to call her at the post office on 01493 369250.

If you have any second hand uniform to donate, please take this direct to the Post Office on weekdays or to Jenny's shop on weekends.