Filby Primary School

Our School Day

Our school gates open at 8:30am, when Nursery children arrive to start their session. Our main school doors open at 8:40am, when teaching staff will be on the playground to greet everyone. Reception children enter the school via their outdoor area; Key Stage 1 children and parents walk round to the Kingfisher Class door, where they are met by an adult. Key Stage 2 children enter via the side entrance on the playground. Staff welcome children into class to complete a morning activity, before the register is taken when the doors and gates are closed at 8.50am.

Children who attend Morning Club, which starts at 8am, enter via the front entrance, where a member of the Morning Club team welcomes them.

Morning Session        8:40am – 12:00pm

Afternoon Session      1:05 – 3:20pm