Filby Primary School

Personal, Social & Health Education

PSHE teaches fundamental life skills and knowledge that every child must know – it equips them better to be ready for the future world that they will find themselves in. Through an understanding and Respect for others, Filby children will be able to live harmoniously with others in society and consider other points of view, being Inclusive throughout – this is developed through knowledge of different family setups, beliefs and genders and knowledge that to discriminate against others is unjust and wrong, both in the real and online world. Caring citizens are developed through knowledge of not only how to support their own wellbeing, both physical and mental, but also impart this advice to others. The coverage of finance education and links with the Primary Futures programme, in which children explore different career options, encourages Aspiration and enables a belief that they can achieve their dreams. Furthermore, we aim for all our children to be Responsible citizens and through their knowledge of healthy lifestyles, online safety and basic first aid they are equipped with the skills to help themselves and others.

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