Filby Primary School


School policies cover every aspect of school life. Below are some of our most important policies for your reference.

If you would like to see a policy that is not listed, please ask the school office.

Some of our policies are specific to our Academy Trust (Evolution Academy Trust) and links to these can be found at:

Accessibility Plan

Filby Primary School Accessibility Plan Autumn

Admission arrangements 

Filby is an own admission authority school and therefore there is requirement under paragraph 2.17 of the School Admissions Code to make clear in our admissions arrangements the process for requesting admissions out of the normal age range. 

"We will consider all requests to place children outside of their normal age group including summer born and premature children in line with the requirements of paragraphs 2.17 to 2.17B of the School Admissions code"

Click on the link below to access the Norfolk County Council school admissions website.

Norfolk Admissions

Attendance Procedures

Attendance Procedures (Appendix A)

Behaviour Procedures

Filby Behaviour Policy with Appendix A

Early Career Teachers (ECT)

Early Career Teacher Policy


EYFS Policy

Educational Visits Policy

Filby Primary School Educational Visits Policy

Relationship education 

PSHE and RSE Policy

SEND (Local Offer)



Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy