Filby Primary School



At Filby Primary School, we aim to ensure that every student leaves our school with a deep understanding and knowledge of mathematical concepts and an enjoyment of maths. Our children will become confident mathematicians by securing number fluency through varied and frequent practice of the fundamentals of maths. They are encouraged to become responsible learners by learning key mathematical facts (number bonds, multiplication facts, measures facts) that enable them to develop key life skills such as money sense. We are an inclusive school and believe that every child is a mathematician regardless of their starting points and believe that no child should be left behind. Our lessons are designed so that all can achieve. By encouraging a growth mindset, children aspire to apply their learning to successfully solve routine and non-routine problems using a variety of strategies. By working together they learn to respect and value each others’ ideas and strategies.

What does Mathematics look like at Filby?  

It is important that any new learning in maths is underpinned by good, conceptual understanding. Across the school, from Nursery to Year 6, we use manipulatives (concrete resources) to introduce and embed concepts. These resources include: Numicon, bead strings, base ten blocks, place value counters and Cuisenaire rods. 

Overview for the year:

In Reception, the children are taught maths through short, whole class lessons, small group work and through continuous provision. All maths is taught with practical resources and through games and rhymes. 

In Key Stage 1 and 2, the children are mostly taught together as a class with appropriate support and challenge to ensure that they reach age-related expectations. On occasion, the children are split into year groups and taught separately. 

We use the White Rose Scheme of Learning and resources to guide our teaching, incorporating other resources where and when needed to support the needs of the children. 

It is important that children are taught efficient methods for working out calculations that cannot be performed mentally. These methods are taught using concrete manipulatives and pictorial images first so that children can understand the structure behind the process. Formal written calculations are taught from Year 3 where appropriate to the year group expectations. 

Our calculation policy has been adapted from White Rose Maths to reflect what we teach in school.

Subject Documents:

Addition and subtraction calculation policy

Multiplication and Division calculation policy

Filby Primary School Maths Overview 2024-25.pdf

Progression Maps