Special Educational Needs and Disabilties
At Filby Primary School we ensure that our curriculum is designed to be inclusive so that all children can access and take responsibility for their learning, irrespective of Special Educational Need and/or Disability (SEND). We teach our children to be respectful of each other, particularly when they have differing needs. Our children are caring and learners with SEND equally both care for and are cared for by their peers, developing a respectful understanding of our differences.
We give our children life skills and teach them to be the best possible version of themselves they can be, developing and fostering aspiration to ensure that those with SEND are not limited in their view of what they can achieve in life.
Our SENCo is Mrs Oxborough.
You can contact Mrs Oxborough via the school office email: office@filbyprimary.org.uk
How do we ensure all children can access our curriculum?
Our curriculum is carefully designed to ensure it reduces cognitive load through regular repetition and revisiting of prior knowledge and building upon this. Children can link their learning based on the solid foundations of prior knowledge. Teachers plan taking into account the needs of the children in their class but also ensure high expectations, regardless of subject and will give support through additional scaffolding, resourcing or technology. Regular assessment for learning ensures that the progress of all learners is tracked and overlearning or further support given if required. Please see more about our approach to the curriculum on the 'Curriculum' page of our website.
SEND Information Report
SEND Information Report 2024-25
Information about SEN in Norfolk